
every girl needs candy (but not you cocoa)

This makes me happy.

I'm not a chocolate fanatic but every once in a while I will want chocolate or some kind of candy. I found this fujiya chocolate which has 4 flavors of filling (strawberry, melon, caramel, and chocolate fudge). I must admit, I bought it because I liked the packaging =) it's so cute and the design looks nice. Anyway, they tasted all right...not as good as it looked. (I guess I pretty much fall into a category of those easily tricked by cute packagings!) A friend of mine once told me that girls should have something sweet every once in a while. I think she's right! It's a good treat for me during a busy time like this. I'm currently preparing for the OCAD gradshow...and realized it's only a week away and I haven't finished preparing for everything yet. I have ordered my postcards and will post it here once it's done. Uwaaahhhh~~~ so much to do!!!